Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tigers, Crouching Dragons


🐰"FUN CIRCUS''  a place of torment & "amusement" in hell--M.Baxter

Thanks to @Instagram I've been able to share my interest and enthusiasm in cultural heritage and history in Rome and beyond with all of you. Through this exciting journey I've met so many amazing people and had such fruitful conversations. I am so grateful to be on the suggested user list - and I look forward to more lively discussions and meeting up in Rome or wherever my travels take me. #communityfirst Egyptomania! With Augustus' conquest of Egypt, its people, culture, and art flooded the Rome market. This tomb, later incorporated into the 3C Aurelianic Walls (Ostian Gate pictured), is part of that trend. Being incorporated into the walls insured it wasn't destroyed, marble reused. This past year it was restored, thanks to private sponsorship.#meetrome #culturalheritage #recycledhistory #reconstructedhistory
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