Monday, August 28, 2017

David Wilkerson - Tearing Down The Altar of Baal | Must Watch

Conversation from film

PARANOIA "I'm Going to Bury You" Clip Featuring Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman & Liam Neeson


 YouTube channel.

  Published on Aug 2, 2013

Stay connected with Screen Invasion: Synopsis: The high stakes thriller Paranoia takes us deep behind the scenes of global success to a deadly world of greed and deception. The two most powerful tech billionaires in the world (Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman) are bitter rivals with a complicated past who will stop at nothing to destroy each other. A young superstar (Liam Hemsworth), seduced by unlimited wealth and power falls between them, and becomes trapped in the middle of the twists and turns of their life-and-death game of corporate espionage. By the time he realizes his life is in danger, he is in far too deep and knows far too much for them to let him walk away.

Chuck. Nick and Adam. Synopsis: The high stakes thriller Paranoia takes us deep behind the scenes of global success to a deadly world of greed and deception

Jock Goddard: It will know where you've been, who you've been with. It will track your priorities, expenditures, your health, calendar. It will know who you are. And it's all ours.

Adam Cassidy: You think people really want all that personal information under one roof?

Jock Goddard: It's not the roof that matters, Adam, it's the warm fuzzy feeling of the home under it. 

People are so distracted these days, they don't know who they are, but we will. We'll know them better then they know themselves.

Genesis 3 King James Version Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said,
Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Chuck. Nick and Adam. 

[ 💁that hath God question is something else]

Ep 1: Frisky Business: Jill and Andy are shocked by how much Hazel has matured when they visit her at sleepaway camp, while victims of Ernie Krevitt’s Ponzi scheme struggle with their new financial reality.
Campy humor

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